Inspired by Sandro Botticelli - Venus and Mars - 1483
This painting is as much about the satyrs as the Gods. The little satyrs are playing with Mars’ armor, which he has discarded. The satyr in the bottom right hand corner of the painting, rolling his eyes and sticking out his tongue, has attracted some attention in the art history world. It stems from the curious fruit under his hand. It has been suggested that this is datura stramonium aka Devil’s Snare or Locoweed. A hallucinogen that has induced Mars’ drugged sleep. Experts at Kew Gardens in London, have confirmed that the plant is indeed Datura. I think this is a bigger myth than the Gods themselves,
since Datura is a South American native. Based on the date of the painting Christopher Columbus would’ve had to make a trial run to bring it to Europe. However, the interpretation and significance of this are still being discussed. As wonderful and virtuous most people may think Venus was, this is a scene of adultery. Venus was married to Vulcan, God of fire, who was not so good looking and spent all his time at the forge. She has run away to be with Mars.
To see the original: